Research Tank Descriptions

The Aquatic Toxicology Facility is roughly divided into six groups of tanks, labeled A through F. These groups range in volume from 113 liter (30gal) glass aquariums to 1436 liter (380gal) gelcoated fiberglass rectangular tanks. The entire facility is supplied with central aeration and dechlorinated freshwater systems. Aeration and water are plumbed and available to each individual tank.

All facilities are designed with adaptability in mind. Modifications can easily be made to suit the investigator’s needs. Space has also been dedicated where facilities may be fabricated for short-term or long-term experiments if present facilities will not meet investigator’s needs. A short summary and a detailed description of tank groups A through F follows.

“A” Tanks- 20, 113 liter (30gal) aquariums
This group of tanks consists of twenty 113 liter (30gal) rectangular glass aquariums, labeled A1 ñ A20. Individual tanks are supplied with the facilityís central fresh water and air supply. All tanks have a 1″ bottom drain fitted with an overflow standpipe to maintain water level. Flexibility has been designed into this system, a group of aquariums can be maintained as flow-through or easily engineered into a recirculating system, whichever is needed. All effluent could easily be channeled through a filtration system to remove toxicants before discharge if necessary.

“B” Tanks- 2, 1040 liter (280gal) circular tanks
This group consists of two 1040 liter (280gal) circular gelcoated fiberglass tanks, labeled B1 and B2. These tanks have a smooth, light blue gelcoat interior with a 2″ external standpipe to maintain waterlevel. This allows tanks to be flushed without having to come in contact with water. The standpipe is centrally located and designed to remove solids primarily from the bottom but also removes a small amount of surface water. The B tanks may be maintained as flow-through or easily engineered into a single or separate recirculating systems whichever is needed. All effluent could easily be channeled through a filtration system to remove toxicants before discharge if necessary.

“C” Tanks- 6, 400 liter (107 gal) circular tanks.
This group consists of six 400 liter (107 gal) circular gelcoated fiberglass tanks labeled, C1 ñ C6. These tanks have a smooth, light blue gelcoat interior with a 2″ external standpipe to maintain waterlevel. This allows tanks to be flushed without having to come in contact with water. The standpipe is centrally located and designed to remove solids primarily from the bottom but also removes a small amount of surface water. All effluent could easily be channeled through a filtration system to remove toxicants before discharge if necessary.

“D” Tanks- 2, ~560 liter (~150 gal) circular tanks.
This group consists of two ~560 liter (~150 gal) circular gelcoated fiberglass tanks. The interior has a smooth, light blue gelcoat interior. These tanks are set aside for future use but can be easily set up and in place as needed by an investigator.

“E” Tanks- 6, 300 liter (74 gal) circular tanks.
This group consists of six 300 liter (74 gal) circular polyethylene tanks labeled, E1 ñ E6. These tanks have a somewhat smooth interior and are dark blue in color. A 2″ external standpipe to maintains the waterlevel. This allows tanks to be flushed without having to come in contact with water. The standpipe is centrally located and designed to remove solids primarily from the bottom but also removes a small amount of surface water. All effluent could easily be channeled through a filtration system to remove toxicants before discharge if necessary.

“F” Tanks- 4, 1436 liter (380gal) rectangular tanks.
This group primarily designated for holding animals and consists of four 1436 liter (380gal) rectangular gelcoated fiberglass tanks labeled, F1 ñ F4. These tanks have a smooth, light blue gelcoat interior with a 3″ external standpipe to maintain waterlevel. This allows tanks to be flushed without having to come in contact with water. The drain is centrally located to the sloped end of the tank to facilitate drainage and may be fitted with a screen or a standpipe. The standpipe is designed to remove solids primarily from the bottom but also removes a small amount of surface water.

Tank Group Description Number of Units Price Structure
A Tanks 30 gal glass aquariums 20 $11.20 individual tank/wk
B Tanks 275 gal circular gelcoated fiberglass tanks 2 $14 individual tank/wk
C Tanks 107 gal circular gelcoated fiberglass tanks 6 $17.50 individual tank/wk
D Tanks ~150 gal circular gelcoated fiberglass tanks 2 $14 individual tank/wk
E Tanks 74 gal container polyethylene tanks 6 $17.50 individual tank/wk
F Tanks* 380 gal rectangular gelcoated fiberglass tank 4 $54 individual tank/month


Fish Holding – $54/month/holding tank (four 380 gallon rectangular tanks are currently available) includes feeding Monday through Friday (except holidays), tank maintenance and periodic water quality monitoring.